Protectie periculoasa (1997)
Hackers (1995)
Luna de portelan (1994)
China Moon
Acord judiciar (1994)
Judicial Consent
Inscenarea (1994)
The Soft Kill
Acuzatul (1993)
Guilty As Sin
In flagrant delict (1993)
Caught in the Act
Pacate ascunse (1993)
Sins of the Night
Sexual Malice (1993)
Analiza Finala (1992)
Final Analysis
Consimtamantul (1992)
Consenting Adults
Orasul minciunilor (1992)
Ritmurile noptii (1992)
Night Rhythms
Suspect fara voie (1991)
Write to Kill
Scurtcircuitul (1990)
A Shock to the System
Presupus nevinovat (1990)
Presumed Innocent
Influenta nefasta (1990)
Bad Influence
Pachetul (1989)
The Package