23 (1998)
Jocul asteptarii (1998)
The Waiting Game
Prieten si dusman (1997)
The Devil's Own
Crima in Copenhaga (1997)
Smilla's Sense of Snow
Fred (1997)
Fantana (1997)
The Well
Gonind spre soare (1996)
The Sunchaser
Scop final (1995)
One Good Turn
Jaf in Mexic (1995)
Pazind-o pe Tess (1994)
Guarding Tess
Schimb de identitati (1994)
As Good as Dead
Gheata albastra (1993)
Blue Ice
The Crying Game (1992)
Twin Peaks - Ultimele 7 zile din viata Laurei Palmer (1992)
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
Cutia neagra (1992)
Intrusul (1992)
Unlawful Entry
Incurcatura (1992)
A Taste for Killing
Colega de camera (1992)
Single White Female
Inscenarea (1991)
Ganduri mortale (1991)
Mortal Thoughts