Sotia astronautului (1999)
The Astronaut's Wife
Evadata (1999)
Double Jeopardy
Disparitia (1997)
Recuperarea trecutului (1997)
Dead by Midnight
Rebecca's Secret (1997)
Fascinatia nebuniei (1996)
Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story
Strainul de langa mine (1995)
The Stranger Beside Me
The Last Seduction (1994)
Noaptea judecatii (1993)
Judgment Night
Unde a disparut Cristina (1993)
The Disappearance of Christina
Dubla acuzatie (1992)
Double Jeopardy
Fiorul mortii (1992)
In pat cu dusmanul (1991)
Sleeping with the Enemy
Ganduri mortale (1991)
Mortal Thoughts
Deceptie (1991)
Pasiuni periculoase (1991)
Carnal Crimes
Midnight Ride (1990)