Killshot (2007)
Closing Escrow (2007)
Luna de miere (2005)
The Honeymooners
Danny Deckchair (2004)
Casa bantuita (2003)
The Haunted Mansion
Lovitura (2003)
The Big Bounce
Copoi de Hollywood (2003)
Hollywood Homicide
Aripile noptii (2001)
Schimb de vieti (2000)
Capat de drum (1997)
Road Ends
Escroci sentimentali (1997)
Trecut de neiertat (1994)
Woman with a Past
O victorie speciala (1991)
One Special Victory
Rasplata pentru crima (1987)
Downpayment on Murder
De-ar veni odata duminica! (1983)
Vivement Dimanche! / Confidentially Yours