Kabul Express (2006)
Red Mercury (2005)
Vinerea neagra (2004)
Black Friday
Omagh (2004)
Casa din Umbria (2003)
My House in Umbria
In direct din Bagdad (2002)
Live From Baghdad
In pasi de dans (2002)
The Dancer Upstairs
Pacatele unui tata (2002)
Sins of the Father
Pearl Harbor (2001)
Fight Club - Sala de lupte (1999)
Fight Club
Razboiul fratelui meu (1997)
My Brother's War
Atentat la World Trade Center (1997)
Path to Paradise: The Untold Story of the World Trade Center Bombing
Friends (1993)
Der Joker (1987)
Lethal Obsession
Garderobierul (1983)
The Dresser
Barefoot Gen (1983)
Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)
Aeroportul (1970)
Operatiunea V2 (1970)
Mosquito Squadron
The Battle of Algiers (1966)
La Battaglia di Algeri