Peste noapte (2007)
Taci si saruta-ma! (2004)
Shut Up and Kiss Me!
Ingerul pazitor (2002)
He Sees You When You're Sleeping
Broker falit, caut partenera cu stare! (2001)
Good Advice
Varful piramidei (2000)
Boiler Room
Vacanta in Jamaica (1998)
How Stella Got Her Groove Back
Primele 9 saptamani si jumatate (1998)
The First 9 1/2 Weeks
Din jungla in jungla (1997)
Jungle 2 Jungle
Pe ea o vreau (1996)
She's the One
Pur si simplu prieteni (1996)
Just Friends
O familie neobisnuita (1992)
Rugul vanitatilor (1990)
The Bonfire of the Vanities
Neispravitii (1990)
Working Trash
Wall Street (1987)
Argint viu (1986)
Pariul (1983)
Trading Places
Gauguin, salbaticul (1980)
Gauguin the Savage
Eclipsa (1962)
L'eclisse / The Eclipse
Mr. Skeffington (1944)