Beaufort (2007)
Monstrul (2006)
Gwoemul / The Host
Natura moarta (2006)
Still Life
The L.A. Riot Spectacular (2005)
Razboiul lumilor (2005)
H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds
Creatura (2004)
Alien Lockdown
Zile de groaza (2004)
Category 6: Day of Destruction
Legendele tornadei (2004)
Pompeii: The Last Day (2003)
Razbunarea Amazoanei (2001)
Amazons and Gladiators
Dinosaur (2000)
Titan A.E. (2000)
Profetia (2000)
The Prophecy 3: The Ascent
Torus (2000)
Orasul in miniatura (1998)
The Shrunken City
Ziua Independentei (1996)
Independence Day
Operatiunea Broken Arrow (1996)
Broken Arrow
Agentul 007 contra GoldenEye (1995)
Profetia (1995)
The Prophecy / God's Army
Dealul Inalt (1994)
Federal Hill