Marea dinlauntru (2004)
The Sea Inside / The Sea Within
9 Souls (2003)
Igby (2002)
Igby Goes Down
Situatie critica (1997)
Critical Care
Inima inghetata (1992)
Un Coeur en Hiver / A Heart in Winter
Doctor ucigas (1991)
Deadly Medicine
Eutanasie sau crima? (1987)
Mercy or Murder?
Grace Quigley (1984)
Ce ma fac fara tine? (1982)
O'Hara's Wife
Fac ce vreau cu viata mea (1981)
Whose Life Is It Anyway?
Hatisul atractiei (1960)
The Bramble Bush
Cel mai mare spectacol (1952)
The Greatest Show on Earth
The Crime of Dr. Forbes (1936)