Caravana cinematografica (2009)
Kino Caravan
Ultimele zile ale Sophiei Scholl (2005)
Sophie Scholl: Die Letzten Tage / Sophie Scholl: The Final Days
Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire (2004)
Fantomele trecutului (1996)
Mother Night
TV. B-29 (1986)
Riders of the Storm / The American Way
The Green Berets (1968)
Leul are aripi (1940)
The Lion Has Wings
Olympia (1938)
Triumph des Willens (1934)
Triumph of the Will
Enthusiasm (1931)
Arsenal (1929)
Zvenigora (1928)
Ten Days That Shook the World (1927)