Tras pe sfoara (2003)
Mean Creek (2003)
Puterea gandului (1995)
Culoarea banilor (1986)
The Color of Money
Mercenarii diamantelor (1975)
Killer Force
Femeia cu cizme rosii (1974)
La Femme aux Bottes Rouges / The Woman with Red Boots
Dosarul "Golden Goose" (1969)
The File of the Golden Goose
Asterix si galii (1967)
Asterix le Gaulois
Razboi in dormitor (1966)
Not with My Wife, You Don't!
10:30 P.M. Vara (1966)
10:30 p.m. Summer
Sa jefuim banca! (1964)
Faites Sauter la Banque / Rob the Bank
The Quiet Man (1952)
Song of the South (1946)
Champagne (1928)