Cronicile din Narnia: Printul Caspian (2008)
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Shrek al Treilea (2007)
Shrek the Third
Regina (2006)
The Queen
Shadowless Sword (2006)
Mu Yeong Geom
Regina fecioara (2005)
Elizabeth I: The Virgin Queen
Eu si printul 2 (2005)
The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding
Libertinul (2004)
The Libertine
Inelul Nibelungilor (2004)
Curse of the Ring / Sword of Xanten
Iarna leului (2003)
The Lion in Winter
Legenda Reginei Suriyothai (2002)
The Legend of Suriyothai
Asoka (2001)
In cautarea lanii de aur (2000)
Jason and the Argonauts
Regele Leu (1994)
The Lion King
Tineretea Ecaterinei (1991)
Young Catherine
Lady Jane (1985)
Ivanhoe (1982)
Prizonierul din Zenda (1979)
The Prisoner of Zenda
Omul cu masca de fier (1977)
The Man in the Iron Mask
The Man Who Would Be King (1975)
Waterloo (1970)